Review Policy

not currently accepting requests to review

What to include in your request

Your name / Publisher’s name

The book’s details – e.g. Name, Synopsis, Themes or Tropes that you want to highlight

Release date – if you wish for a review/campaign to be completed by a certain date this is important!

Other information – this is not an exhaustive list, please include any information you find important to your work

Book Request Information

Books I will review : romance and fantasy books are predominately the genre that I will review. I read across Adult, New Adult and Young Adult. When it is Adult fiction, I will accept stories that are both open and closed door. I highly encourage you to send in works that feature LGBT+ stories and other works with underrepresented characters and themes.

Book I will not review : Audiobooks, graphic books/comics and poetry (sorry, these are just not my cup of tea!).

Review formats : I will accept uncorrected copies (physical and electronic) and finished copies (physical and electronic). If your book is electronic, I can accept it in a Kindle compatible format or I can access it through Netgalley.

Information for requesters : If your book includes trigger warnings it is appreciated that this is included in the request. If I choose to DNF after accepting your request, this will be relayed to you with an explanation on why this has happened.

Campaigns and Publicity

I am willing to join in with publicity campaigns for a book, for example cover reveals and book tours. If this is wanted, please include all the information and details that will be required of me for the campaign – this is to ensure that, one I am a suitable candidate and two, that I will be able to successfully help your campaign.

General information

I always aim to respond to all requests, either accepting or denying the request. However, please understand that might not be always be available – for example, during times in which I am not accepting requests.

Importantly, all these reviews are my own thoughts and feelings.

Accepting a request does not mean that I will ultimately enjoy it and therefore give a high rating. Generally, I will not post a review less than 3 stars unless I believe that there is a greater discussion to be had. Lower rated reviews will not unnecessarily criticise a work, I always aim to discuss the parts that I enjoyed whilst expressing the parts I didn’t like as much and how that could be changed or what I would like to see worked on next.

Sending me a request means that you understand what has been stated above. If there are details you wish to discuss pertaining to anything brought up above, please include that in your form.

Hello, I’m Devon

🗡️ Romance and Fantasy Obsessed

📖 Books read in 2024 – 42

📍24 (she/her) UK based

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